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The information provided on the Website, comes from external sources to Tennisreplays.com servers. The Website does not create, modify or store any content that can be found on the Website. The sources provide multimedia content available to all users who use the net and Tennisreplays.com simply acts as a search engine.


All the video content found on the Tennisreplays.com is not hosted on our servers nor is created or uploaded by us. Tennisreplays.com simply acts as a search engine that finds videos from websites like YouTube, Facebook, Ok.ru, Dailymotion, Reddit and other video portals. Tennisreplays.com is not responsible of this external websites content. If you find that some of the content violates your rights you may request for that content to be brought down at the host that is actually hosting the content. That will ensure that the content is removed not only from Tennisreplays.com but other search engines that may have indexed the content.


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All the video content found on the Tennisreplays.com is not hosted on our servers nor is created or uploaded by us. Tennisreplays.com simply acts as a search engine that finds videos from websites like YouTube, DailyMotion, Ok.ru and other video portals. Tennisreplays.com is not responsible for external website’s content. If you find that some of the content violates your rights you may request for that content to be brought down at the host that is responsible for the content. That will ensure that the content is removed from Tennisreplays.com and other search engines that may have indexed the content.
